Piechota, Grażyna2014-09-182014-09-182014-09Media & Mass Communication 2014, nr 3, s. 37-43.1314-8028http://hdl.handle.net/11315/640Because of the fact that it has been possible to donate 1 per cent of income tax to public benefit organisations since 2003, these organisations must communicate with the environment if they want to obtain money from tax deduction. The popularity of taking advantage of one per cent allocations in Poland (in 2013, 44 per cent of taxpayers did it), created competition among organisations trying to obtain the declared amounts. Communication with the environment by organisations requires both the right choice of information channels – the division into traditional and new media has been accounted for, as well as formulating messages in such a way as to reach taxpayers as efficiently as possible and persuade them to support aims the organisation achieves. The paper will present the results of research into how effectively these organisations communicate with the use of traditional and new mediaenUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskapublic benefit organisationssocial mediamass media1% tax donationorganizacje pożytku publicznego1% podatkuKomunikacja społecznaPolitologiaSocjologiaTraditional media and new media in communicating about public benefit in PolandArtykuł