Marczuk, Karina Paulina2018-08-142018-11-092018-08-142018-11-092016Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2016, nr 2, s. 93-104.1733-2680 recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationThe article concerns the issue of cross-border cooperation between Poland and Germany in the fi eld of internal security, so at the local level, since the signing of the Treaty between the Polish Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany on good neighbourliness and friendly cooperation of 17/06/1991 signed in Bonn. Furthermore, the challenges for the cross-border cooperation between two states were elaborated. It was assumed that the main challenges in the fi eld of cross-border cooperation between Poland and Germany are related to providing internal security at the local community level.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskawspółpraca transgranicznabezpieczeństwo wewnętrznePolskaNiemcycross-border cooperation, internal security, Poland, GermanyBezpieczeństwo narodowe i wewnętrzneStosunki międzynarodoweWspółpraca transgraniczna Polski i RFN w obszarze bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznegoCross-border cooperation between Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany in the area of internal securityArtykuł2451-0610