Kliś, Maria2017-10-062018-11-082017-10-062018-11-082016Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2016 (XVI), nr 3, s. 113-129.1643-8299http://hdl.handle.net/11315/14492Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleIn this article the linguistic and psychological basis of foreign languages learning and teaching have been analysed. It has been indicated that learning a foreign language in comparison to learning other subjects is peculiar, due to the fact that in the process of learning a foreign language the language becomes a subject, not the tool of teaching. The article discusses also intellectual, cognitive, motivational and other personality determinants of the process and eff ects of learning a foreign language and stresses the importance of varied individual and social benefi ts, resulting from mastering and using as foreign language.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskalinguistic-psychological basisforeign language learningthe specifi city of language learningdeterminants resultingEdukacjaPsychologiaPsychologiczne podstawy i korzyści wynikające z uczenia się języków obcychPsychological basis and benefi ts resulting from learning foreign languagesArtykuł2451-0858