Jakimowicz, Robert2019-04-152019-04-152012Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2012, nr 4 s.133-151.1733-2680http://hdl.handle.net/11315/23175This article is focused on ASEM summits and the problems and challenge that the summits face. Since the last decade of the 20th century this forum has been accompanied by financial and economic crises, which as well as ASEM itself, are an integral element of the current stage of globalization. As a result of the fact that development of the latest technologies exceeded “critical mass” (which does not allow a development of contemporary and international relations of any entity separately), the importance of ASEM summits and its other forums is going to increase. The greatest challenge of that forum, which operates globally, is a consequent realization of such a model of sustainable development that will serve all the entities of international relations, and simultaneously, it will radically limit old and new threats. Regular ASEM summits are necessary nowadays, because as it has already been mentioned in this article, the process of ASEM might die out.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaASEM – Problemy i wyzwania w pierwszej i drugiej dekadzie XXI w. W kontekście kryzysu Unii EuropejskiejEkologiaEkonomiaStosunki międzynarodoweASEM – Problemy i wyzwania w pierwszej i drugiej dekadzie XXI w. W kontekście kryzysu Unii EuropejskiejArtykuł