Wilcox, Daniel T.Jack, AlexanderDonathy, Marguerite L.Berry, Rosalind M.2021-02-082021-02-082020European Polygraph 2020, nr 2, s. 19-36.1898-5238http://hdl.handle.net/11315/29335"A psychological assessment is commonly used in a range of clinical, occupational and forensic settings. Increasingly, religious organisations have recognised the value of secular, independent assessments for both novices and experienced clerics, which can address areas relevant to emotional wellbeing, vocational aptitude, and possible social risk ( Jack & Wilcox, 2018). Notably, when addressing risk concerns, there is oft en a paucity of documentation in cleric assessments compared to that accessible in traditional forensic settings (e.g. probation, family courts, prisons). As such, it can be helpful to augment standard interview and psychometric practices with additional tools to try to achieve a more informed risk assessment, particularly when allegations of harm remain unresolved. In some such cases, the polygraph is utilised as part of that assessment process." (...)plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskapolygraphpsychological assessmentriskchurch safeguardingpriests and sex off ensesPrawoPsychologiaCase Studies Using the Polygraph to Assist in Assessing Sexual Risk in Three ClericsArtykuł2380-055010.2478/EP-2020-0016