Skawińska, Katarzyna2019-05-072019-05-072008Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2008, nr 1, s. 309-319.1733-2680"People in modern times no longer live in small, homogeneous communities. Those communities have been replaced by large, diverse and complex societies. The societies are composed of multiple smaller groups sharing beliefs, customs and interests that are different from the rest of society. Although such groups are connected with the mainstream by many cultural aspects, they show their own cultural diversity. The groups display boundaries that isolate them from the rest of society. Those groups that share a characteristic set of norms, values and behavior are referred to by sociologists as subcultures. The aim of this article is to look into the mechanisms within a subculture, to analyze different theories of the phenomenon, and to focus on youth and delinquent subculture. Finally it contrasts counterculture with subculture and discusses style and commodification of subculture."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaPhenomenonSubculturesocial groupsSubculture theoryYouth subculturescountercultureKulturoznawstwoPolitologiaSocjologiaPhenomenon of SubcultureArtykuł