Mydel, Rajmund2022-10-112022-10-112017978-83-65208-96-5 introduction: "The commonly emphasized process of globalization is accompanied by two other phenomena of a word-wide character. They mainly occur in the most developed countries in the world and are characterized by forming information societies and a high level of progress with regard to the process of global population ageing. This process, in general terms, consists in an increasing number of individuals aged 65 and over (65+) and a growing share of this group in the total number of people in a given population, exceeding the group aged 0–14 in the most advanced phases of the process. This phenomenon is a consequence of a systematic drop in the birth rate, a decreasing total fertility rate and a marked increase of life expectancy."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskademographyJapanagingsocietyage structuresdemographic maturitydepopulationKulturoznawstwoSocjologiaHyper aged JapanKsiążka