Mikrut, ZbigniewWidacki, MichałWidacki, Jan2019-05-272019-05-272018European Polygraph 2018, nr 3, s. 85-105.1898-5238http://hdl.handle.net/11315/24690From introduction: "Variations of face temperature are certainly a good indicator of emotional changes, which is why attempts at using them in the detection of deception are being made.[1] Such variations may be observed with the use of an infrared camera, which implies remote sensing and removes the need to put any sensors on the body of the subject and makes the method potentially attractive for detection of deception. Th eoretically, it can be applied without making the subject aware, and even more so without the subject’s consent, which may material for its use for the purposes of police and/ or special units."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaFace temperature changes and selection of deceptioninfrared camera in detectionof deceptionPrawoExperiments in Using Face Temperature Changes as an Indicator in Instrumental Dtection of DeceptionArtykuł2380-055010.2478/ep-2018-0010