Szot, Wiesław2019-06-052019-06-052013Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2013, nr 2, s. 87-107.1643-8299 general considerations presented in this article, referring to the pedagogical aspect of the functioning of the family in the context of socio-educational conditions show that the most important part in those conditions is played by the right organisation of relationships among the family members. The contemporary family functions in conditions dramatically different from those of a few decades ago. Taking that into consideration, we should bear in minds that the present conditions caused the constant presence of hatred, alienation and anxiety – and worse still – lack of the sense of safety among family members. In spite of the occurrences outside the family, it is essential to remember that each family creates its own micro-world giving the sense of cohesion which, at the same time, is the basis of its existence. Lasting emotional relationships in a family, the need to equalise personality differences and the infl uence of parents and children on one another – based on mutual partnership – lead to the creation of the psychological sense of unity and identity in the behaviour of all the persons in the family structure. Therefore for each of us the family is an imperishable value as, by the right relationships among its members, it builds lasting social and emotional bonds. It gives each person support and a fi rm basis for unquestionable principles and ways of solving problems, also those outside the family, as well as the ability to function in diffi cult life situations.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskafunctioning of the familysocio-educational conditionsmutual partnershipthreats in the functioning of the familyfamily structurechild-raisingEdukacjaPedagogikaZarządzanie i marketingWspółczesne zagrożenia w funkcjonowaniu rodziny i ich wpływ na wychowanie dzieckaArtykuł