Profant, Tomáš Imrich2023-10-312023-10-312023Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka 2023, nr 1, s. 177-186.1899-6264 discussion devoted to the climate crisis, like the crisis itself, is not a natural phenomenon but one that is wo-/man-made. It is socially constructed. It is not economic think-tanks that dominate this socially constructed discussion but other actors that do. This article analyses who is quoted and paraphrased in Slovak media writing about climate change. The analysis is based on 60 articles that were published in the third quarter of 2019 in selected non-tabloid daily newspapers (i.e. the quality press) in Slovakia – SME and N. The results show that natural scientists dominate the media discussion of this topic and are the source of almost one-third of the statements quoted and paraphrased in the newspapers. They are followed by politicians, who make up onefifth of those quoted or paraphrased. Social scientists, activists, and NGOs each make up just 7% of those quoted or paraphrased. This research represents the first step towards answering the question ‘Who speaks?’ when it comes to this issue and towards a more thorough discourse analysis that could reveal how certain voices are marginalised in the mainstream public debate.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaclimate ChangemediaSlovakiadiscourseBezpieczeństwo narodowe i wewnętrzneEkologiaEnergetykaPolitologiaThe climate change speaking subjects in the Slovak quality pressArtykuł2451-071810.48269/2451-0718-btip-2023-1-010